Round table "International Integration"

A round table on "International integration” took place on 21st of May, 2012, following Alumni Association of International Programs support to the idea of ​​Kazakhstan President Mr. Nursultan Nazarbayev of creating a global platform for dialogue “G-Global”.  It was related to the Fifth Astana Economic Forum.

The main purpose of the event is to begin the start discussions and development of joint actions with a number of Kazakh authorities and NGOs in order to prepare a business - community for a worthy integration. By joint actions with foreign counterparts, actively promoting the idea of ​​a global dialogue platform “G-Globa”, proposed by the President of Kazakhstan, Mr.  Nursultan Nazarbayev, cooperation between developing countries for the good of the world to develop steps to exit global economic crisis.

Alumni Association of International Programs of Kazakhstan maintains close relationship with their counterparts in 11 countries, having similar training programmes, i.e. Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Germany, India, China, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. By the end of year 2011 between associations of these countries a memorandum of cooperation has been signed.

All above-mentioned associations represent the interests of business communities in developing countries. Skype conference participants agreed that such activities should be carried out on a regular basis.


Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU)
and cooperation between
Alumni Associations of the Manager Training Program

At a meeting in Berlin from the 4th to the 10th of December 2011,was International Study Tour under the Theme of "Association Management" for Alumni of the Manager Training Programe.

In this study addressed a number of important topics of association management, and issues facing it. Participants were trained for 6 workshops, where they learned to case studies as well be organized association management as well as the important strategy for the development was well designed.

At the end of the study, it was an important event for all of the participating countries, as was the cooperation agreement: Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) and cooperation between Alumni Associations of the Manager Training Program.

The objectives of cooperation under this MoU are:

  •  the promote international cooperation, friendship, goodwill and business-relationship between the members;
  •  mutually exchange of experiences in the provision of services;

The countries that signed the agreement are: Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, India, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.

With this MOU, signed in Berlin, the 11 countries have relations of friendship and cooperation as business.